P . 49 Hunter Industrial Fans UPGRADE AND SAVE AT YOUR FACILITY WITH A HUNTER INDUSTRIAL CEILING FAN. When you purchase new equipment or launch a new pricing strategy, you measure ROI based on the money saved or gained. However, ROI data is being measured differently as well: A facility needs to demonstrate business value across the company as well as financial viability. A facility manager needs to look beyond the cost savings to gauge the value of a workforce’s efforts. Improving employee satisfaction and investing in facility upgrades creates a workplace where employees enjoy being can improve productivity, which in turn can have financial impacts on your facility. It gives your business a competitive edge and ultimately helps the bottom line. P . 50 Hunter Industrial Fans Facility upgrades for improving health HVLS fans can help regulate temperature, as well as prevent stagnant air, control moisture, and promote a cleaner work environment. Improving productivity also improves the ROI data By creating a more comfortable, healthier work environment, companies can experience reduced absenteeism and employee complaints, coupled with boosts in overall productivity. Impacting the financial ROI business plan An industrial ceiling fan minimizes energy consumption per square foot with a cost sav- ings of about $1 per day to operate. One industrial ceiling fan can replace as many as 10 to 20- floor flans or twelve 48-inch barrel fans, effectively creating upwards of a 10- to 12-degree perceived temperature difference in the warmer summer months. Equally as important during the winter months, a quality HVLS fan solution will continually push warm air trapped at the ceiling level back down to the floor-evenly distributing warm air and allowing HVAC systems to work more efficiently which can save up to 30 percent on heating costs.