P . 45 Hunter Industrial Fans WHAT A DIFFERENCE A FAN CAN MAKE IN YOUR FACILITY Creating a safe enviroment and managing the indoor air quality in large facilities like industrial warehouses, manufacturing plants and distribution centers can be challenging on multiple fonts. You could can turn to HVAC units and high-speed floor fans, but these traditional options often fail to provide comprehensive solutions. Alternatively, high-volume, low-speed (HVLS) fans are able to mobilize and destratify large volumes of air in a way that truly “clears the air“ in any facility. This enables HVAC systems to operatemore efficiently while also optimizing employee confort, productivity, and health in their enviroments. Under OSHA law, employers are responsible for eliminating known environmental safety hazards in their faci l ities, so making investments in environment-regulating solutions like HVLS fans are not only a benefit but also a critical need. P . 46 Hunter Industrial Fans HOW DO THEY WORK? High Volume Low Speed (HVLS) fans move large quantities of air down towards the floor at a low speed. When the air columns hits the floor, it changes direction and moves the air outward in a 360-degree direction, whitch then migrates to every nook and corner of the workpace. The wind created by the fan mimics a natural breeze-like feeling on the skin that feels like its 10- 12 degrees cooler, which is far more comfortable than wind produced by an ordinary HVAC system.